Have you noticed any increased gum sensitivity or bleeding since entering menopause? Yes, significantly Yes, somewhat No, not really Not at all None Do you experience dryness in your mouth more frequently now than before menopause? Yes, very frequently Occasionally Rarely Never None Have you experienced any changes in your sense of taste since menopause began? Yes, food tastes different now Somewhat, but not very noticeable Only rarely No changes at all None How often do you visit your dentist for regular check-ups? Every 3-6 months Annually Every few years Only when there is a problem None How would you describe your oral hygiene routine? Very thorough (brushing twice daily, flossing, mouthwash) Good (brushing twice daily, occasional flossing) Average (brushing once daily) Poor None Which menopause symptoms do you experience most frequently? Hot flashes and night sweats Mood swings and irritability Sleep disturbances All of the above None Do you smoke or consume alcohol frequently? Yes, both frequently Yes, but only one frequently Occasionally No, never None 1 out of 2 Name Email Phone Time's up